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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 5, 2024

Free Course Ultimate C# Masterclass for 2024



Free Course Ultimate C# Masterclass for 2024

What you'll learn:

  • You will gain an in-depth understanding of C#.
  • You will understand how to write high-performance C# code.
  • You will understand the principles of object-oriented programming.
  • You will learn the most useful design patterns.
  • You will learn to write code of excellent quality.
  • You will gain the knowledge necessary for C# job interviews.
  • You will practice your skills by solving exercises in the browser, as well as by creating advanced projects.
  • You will learn how to use Visual Studio like a pro.
  • You will learn how to create unit tests using NUnit and Moq libraries.
  • You will learn how to use asynchrony and multithreading.

Time video:
 47 hours (552 Lessons + Documents)

Teacher: Krystyna Ślusarczyk

Total weight: 23.82 GB

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