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Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 5, 2024

Free Course Asp.Net Core 8 (.NET 8) | True Ultimate Guide 2024



Free Course Asp.Net Core 8 (.NET 8) | True Ultimate Guide 2024

  • Confidently speak about most of the basic, intermediate and advanced concepts of Asp .Net Core
  • Crack Asp .Net Core job interviews easier
  • Strong Foundation of MVC Architecture Pattern and root level concepts of Asp .Net Core
  • Add two profile projects to your profile and increase chances of getting a better job
  • Learn professional developer best practices
  • Become equivalent to Senior-level Asp .Net Core developer with Repository Pattern, SOLID Principles, Clean Architecture, Serilog
  • Get Instructor-Support to your questions within 24 hours; max 48 hours
Time Course: 80.5 hours (402 Lectures + Documents)

Instructor: Web University by Harsha Vardhan

Total Weight: 59.54 GB
Được tạo bởi Blogger.

🙏 ỦNG HỘ CHÚNG MÌNH -Người nhận Nguyen Huu Cuong Số tài khoản:0541000172196 Ngân hàng:Vietcombank